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Every purchase we've made has been excellent, with quick responses, fast distribution of the equipment, precise shipment tracking, and great quality and variety of products.
From the very beginning, working with quipteams has been straightforward, with excellent communication and quick responses, having a single point of contact with whom I've communicated.
From the first instance, we haven't encountered any issues. The payment methods they offer are acceptable and convenient.
Every purchase we've made has been excellent, with quick responses, fast distribution of the equipment, precise shipment tracking, and great quality and variety of products. This makes it a reliable option for the employee onboarding process. In my opinion, the timing in all processes is more than reasonable, and we have no complaints. Thank you for your work!
Benjamín López
IT Support @ Darwoft
Your global office set and ready to go
Meet Andy, our COO, and see how quipteams can help your distributed teams.
Meet Andy